Volunteering in Nepal is one of the most rewarding ways you can make a real difference to people living in the toughest circumstances. Most people join us because they want to give something back and find they get much more in return. When you volunteer you are giving something back to your community by lending a helping hand to people and organizations. What you may not realize is that volunteering also benefits you as an individual. There are many good reasons to get involved in the community, including learning something about you. CSVFN offers wide volunteer opportunities for both teens and adults. Volunteers are engaged in a diverse range of activities, such as the provision of education and services, mutual aid or self-help, advocacy, campaigning, management, community and environmental action. Volunteering is one of the ways in which people of all abilities and backgrounds can contribute to positive change. Volunteering plays an important role in finding solutions to societal issues. Volunteers and their organization are often at the forefront of developing innovative actions to detect voice and respond to needs arising in society. Volunteers help to improve the quantity and quality of services and to creatively develop new services. Volunteering provides informal and non-formal learning opportunities and is therefore a crucial instrument in life-long learning. Through volunteering in Nepal, people gain knowledge, exercise skills and extend their social networks, which can often lead to new or better employment opportunities, as well as personal and social development.
Main benefits of volunteering or volunteer for charity
1, You can make new friends.
2, Explore career and personal interests.
3, Earn great recommendations for future employment.
4, Develop marketable job skills.
5, Build your resume.
6, Enrich your education.
7, Uncover hidden skills and talents.
8, Increase your self-confidence, recognition event
9, Make a difference.
10, Employee discounts.
11, Certificate after completion
Some Other Reasons for Choosing CSVFN:
1, To make your volunteering period most affordable and memorable
2, To immerse yourself in Nepali communities; learning Nepali lifestyles, culture, language, etc., and share your culture with them.
3, To work with children, women, youths and teachers directly, and participate in their life skills development
4, To take part in the infrastructure development of the community work.
5, To be assured that you’re volunteering fees are used to help develop the community you work in.
6, To have the ability to see tangible results come out of your efforts.
Positive Action
Volunteering is a way to put your beliefs into action. If there’s a social, political or environmental issue you feel strongly about, there is almost certainly an organization or group with whom you could volunteer and start to make a difference in that area. Through your work you will not only be able to effect positive change but also strengthen your understanding of your field of interest.
Unforgettable Experience
Volunteer programs give individuals the out-of-classroom exposure to cultures, language, environments, people groups, ideas, and traditions that they may not otherwise have an opportunity to experience in their hometown. Traveling overseas often gives participants a new perspective on life and provides lasting memories and stories to share with others upon returning to hometown. Volunteering is great fun! It’s an opportunity to work in an area that interests you, surrounded by like-minded people, happy in the knowledge that you are making a difference.
Community Service Volunteer Foundation Nepal